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দিনাজপুর জেলা কারাগারের তথ্য বাতায়নে স্বাগতম।

How to get what service


· Reception of prisoners in prison.

· Release of prisoners as per court orders.

· Release of sentenced prisoners at the end of the sentence period.

· Arranging visits to prisoners.

· Arrangement of food, accommodation and medical treatment of prisoners.

· Undertaking correctional programs for prisoners.

· Providing technical and vocational training to inmates in various trades.

· To inculcate religious and social values in the prisoners and build their character.

· Providing legal aid to indigent prisoners.

· Making arrangements to get the signatures of the prisoners in the power of attorney for the purpose of handling the case.

· Hearing and solving the complaints of the visitors.

· Provision of literacy to illiterate prisoners.

· To arrange various types of indoor/outdoor sports for the physical and mental well-being of the inmates.

· Ensuring that inmates, officials/employees get the facilities and necessary information (deliverable) as per rules.

How to get services (outside prison)

A) Investigation Centre:- The Reserve Chief Jailer is in overall charge of the Investigation Centre. The Chief Jailer provides primary assistance to any visitor/person coming to the jail in any jail-related services such as meeting with the prisoner, signing power of attorney, providing information on bail matters, etc.

b) Deputy District:- Based on the information of the inquiry center, he gives directions regarding the services. All services provided by the in-charge head of the investigation center are outside the duties of the prison guard.

c) District:- He supervises the responsibilities of A and B above and provides all the services that are beyond the scope of A and B.

d) Jail Superintendent:- Supervises the overall executive and above work of the jail. Takes final decision on any services related to prisons including services beyond its purview in the district.

How to get services (inside prison)

A) Jail Guard:- Is responsible for the overall security of the prisoner. Any prisoner within the prison has the opportunity to receive services from the prison guard in charge.

b) Chief Jailer:- He is in charge of the assigned area and supervises the work of the Jailers. And he provides services beyond the purview of prison guards.

c) Chief Warden:- Supervises the overall work of the prison including the work of class A and B described above. and provide services beyond the purview of the Chief Warden.

D) Deputy District:- Supervises the work of the categories mentioned above. and provide services beyond the purview of the chief jailer.

E) District:- Overseeing all the above-mentioned categories of work as an executive officer oversees the overall affairs of the prison.

f) Jail Superintendent:- Performs executive duties including supervision of the above-mentioned category of works. and take final decision on any service including services beyond its purview of the district.